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The Covids + Disco Dolphins

Eintritt: 10 – 15
No Votes


20:30 Uhr

kunstkeller o27 e. V.
90762 Fürth
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Kategorie: Konzert
Event Foto

Infos zur Veranstaltung

The Covids (Amsterdam)
The Amsterdam based band THE COVIDS was created out of boredom during the first lockdown and after numerous cancellations they were finally able to play their first live concert during the fall of 2021. Since then the band has relentlessly played the Dutch club circuit and already made their mark playing festivals and shows all over Europe.
After releasing their first single in 2022, they are ready to launch their debut album "BUST TO BITS" containing 11 energetic, raw and melodic tracks that are extremely contagious. The album's title track is a good example of what the band is all about lyrically, namely trying to have fun in a day and age that can sometimes feel apocalyptic. Musically THE COVIDS take inspiration from such groups as BUZZCOCKS, THE DAMNED and THE WIPERS.

Disco Dolphins (Fürth/Nürnberg)
In den Tiefen maritimer Nachtlandschaften, unter dem Schein lumineszierender Tiefseedelfine entfaltet sich die Energie der DISCO DOLPHINS. Funk, Rock’n’Roll, Disco und Punk vereinen Schönheit und Schalk eines Orcinus Orca. Herausfordernd, hartnäckig und prägnant, und doch so verspielt wie ein Carassius Auratus.
Ihre Musik ist ein Aufbruchsruf, eine Leuchtboje, ein lebendiges Zeichen, das bezeugt: In dieser Welt ist noch Platz für Tabak, Träume und Tanz.
von: @oxpingu


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Tourdaten The Covids + Disco Dolphins